Sunday, November 1, 2015

Concerning “Native Spirits”

          “Native Spirits” is not by any means a new tale, nor is it one of the many Legends of Lacy Road that give this page its prefixual name.  Rather, it is one of the Tales for the Fireside, a ghost story that I once wrote set in the dark and mysterious mountains of North Carolina, where there are still many tracks of virgin forest, deep ravines and waterfalls which trill and roar as they tumble into rocky basins away from the prying eyes of civilization.  Originally published on Myspace and later on Whispery Hollow as “Cherokee Dance” I felt that the name rally did it no justice; nor did I feel that it was appropriate for the setting of Whispery Hollow as this would have taken place during the later part of the 20th century instead of a Post Victorian, Edwardian Era North Carolina such as is written in the Gothic Shadows of Whispery Hollow.  I believe that it has found its place here, amid this collection of Ghost Stories both true and fiction where it can be appreciated for the tale it is.  Once you read it for yourself, I’m sure that you’ll agree. 

          By the way, I’m not saying that the events of this story, can’t happen, for there are many a strange thing in this wide world of ours that defies explanation, but as far as I know, it didn’t happen, so if this story relates to anyone real, anywhere, it is purely by coincidence, or fate, either way, I hope you enjoy “Native Spirits”.

          I’ll see you again soon… in the shadows of a darker reality.

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